Commercial fryers are very useful for cooking and frying food fast, but they also have their cons. While commercial fryers can be a time-saver, they also come with lots of handy work to be done and lots of maintenance. With our list of tips, we can take your maintenance down a notch and make owning a commercial fryer less stressful than it needs to be. Keep reading to find out the dos and don’ts of owning a commercial fryer.
The Dos of Maintaining a Commercial Deep Fryer
Clean your deep fryer daily
As obvious as this may seem, it is often overlooked. But forgetting to clean your fryer causes odors to any food you fry and damage to your fryer. You don’t want to be known as the business serving smelly, oily food. So make sure to clean your deep fryer each time after you change the oil. Your fryer will need a deep and sanitary clean at least once a week. By cleaning your fryer regularly you are keeping yourself away from needing professional maintenance in the future. But Hey! Guess what? There is now a more natural and safer way to clean your fryer, and you won’t even have to use the boil out option or wear protective gear to save you from chemical burns. Here is a list of easy steps that will make cleaning your deep fryer seem like a piece of cake.
#1 Drain oil out of the fryer (Make sure that temperature is 120-130 degree Fahrenheit
#2 Flush debris out of the fryer with the valve wide open. (continue until all of the debris is cleared.)
#3 Shutoff Valve
#4 “Spray Grease Express No Boiler Cleaner” inside the fryer until all soiled areas are covered entirely.
#5 Let it sit for 1-5 mins
#6 Use a metal scrubber to scrub off all the soil from the fryer.
#7 Use the EcoLab fryer cleaning kit tools to scrub in hard to reach places.
#8 Rinse with hot water with a minimum temperature of (110 degrees Fahrenheit)
#9 Wipe down fryer walls.
#10 Empty out the fryer and make sure all sides are completely dry.
#11 Add oil to your fryer, and you’re ready to go!
Using this method should only take up to 20 mins while other methods can take up to 90 min or more.
Get a Professional Inspection
It is super easy to get caught up in the moment and forget about routine maintenance. Having a trusted company help you keep your fryer up to date and working correctly is very important, and could save you a lot of money in the future. Professional maintenance providers can see potential weaknesses that you may not have caught before.
Use Good Quality Oil
You might be more concerned about saving money than choosing oils that are considered good quality. It is essential for the life of your fryer that you use oils that will protect your fryer rather than harming it. Make sure to buy oils that can expand the life of your deep fryer.
Change your Oil
Some businesses don’t take this step as seriously as they should, and this often leads to odors in the food and fish tasting like nuggets or the other way around. Keep your customers happy by bringing magic to their taste buds by changing out your oils.
Adjust Fryer Temperature
Every food is different and should be treated as such. Some foods will taste better when cooked on a lower heat and some when cooked on a higher temperature. Make sure to adjust the temperature of the oil in the fryer each time you plan to prepare a new food.
Top Off Oil Every Morning
Oil runs out faster than you think, and topping off your oils when they start to get low will make it easier to cook at the rate you want.
The Don’ts of Maintaining a Commercial Deep Fryer
Don’t Keep Your Oil at Cooking Temperature
There are going to be plenty of times in your kitchen that things are going slower than usual. If this is the case in your kitchen, your fryer should have a standby setting that keeps your oil at a warm temperature that’s easy and fast to heat up but still cool enough to extend the lifespan of your oil.
Don’t Mess with Your Fryer
Messing with your fryer can cause severe burns and may even end up with you in the hospital or with a massive burn scar. Please stay safe and only use your fryer for what it is intended for.
Don’t forget to Shake off Ice from Frozen Foods
Frozen foods are okay to fry, but it can make a big difference in the taste of the food when you have tons of ice crystals in your fryer. Not to mention the pops and frying oil that could come from them.
Do you need a professional maintenance provider to help you with your commercial deep fryer? Touchstone Commercial Services is the place to call! With great customer service and fast and efficient workers we can have your deep fryer working in no time. The best part is, if we can’t fix it you don’t have to pay!! Call us today at 1 801-882-7694 or contact us online.