Are you having a hard time with your ice maker not making ice? This can be very frustrating and annoying, especially in the summer when you are craving some sweet ice-cold lemonade or a tall glass of ice-cold water. When trying to fix something it is always good to know more about the equipment you are working on. So, if you are working on an ice machine, our article “How does an ice machine work?” can provide a lot of good information. Whether it’s your ice making machine or your freezer that’s not making ice, we have a few tips that can help you get back on track this summer and fix your problem.

- The first thing you need to do when having trouble with your ice maker is to make sure that it’s turned on, plugged in, and ready to go.
- If it’s still not working and you’ve already made sure it was turned on, check to see if the line connected to the ice maker is frozen.
- If you’re troubleshooting the unit make sure that the temperature is at 0 degrees Fahrenheit or colder.
- Next check to see if your unit carries a water filter, if it does you may need to replace it.
When ice is not ejecting
If you move things around in the freezer it’s very common to push the control off which stops the freezer from making ice. You can fix this by locating the control arm and then pressing it into the down or on position.
Ice maker handling details
If you’ve tried all the steps above and still are unsure what the problem is, try unplugging your fridge, freezer, or ice maker and move it in a position that is easy to reach, and makes it easy to see the problem. Locate the valve on the back of the unit, and disconnect the waterline from it. Then take your waterline and disconnect it from the appliance, checking for any lumps of ice or kinks in the waterline, once you’ve done that, straighten it and let any ice that is inside it melt, before you connect it back into the refrigerator.
If you need maintenance or repairs for your commercial appliances or HVAC system in your business we can help, for questions or to make an appointment you can call us at 1 801-497-8879 or contact us online.